The universe we live in

When God created the world, He created a universe with laws, rules and principle that govern how the parts of it function. As a physicist I work with the physical laws, rules and principles almost daily. They allow the universe to carry on without external input or control: electrons are attracted to the positive nucleus in an atom, yet the strong force can keep all the positive protons in a nucleus together. Bees can pollinate flowers, flowers can then produce fruit and seeds to propagate new plants Water can evaporate at low enough temperatures to form clouds and rain, but be mostly liquid at ambient temperatures so that we have flowing rivers and lakes. Frozen water unusually has a lower density than liquid water, otherwise the animal life in freezing lakes and rivers would never survive the winter. Gravity works over unimaginably great distances to keep solar systems and galaxies together, but can be countered by the outward force caused by nuclear reactions inside stars to keep them “burning” for millions of years. We take these physical universal principles for granted, we don’t consider that gravity works the same way every time a ball is thrown or that delocalised electrons in a conducting metal can move every time a light is turned on.

Our universe also has non-physical principles that are probably just as fundamental and that are present in our every day lives without us taking cognizance of them most of the time. I wonder if when God created the universe if He considered the physical and non-physical rules, laws and principles as separate and different from each other. Was gravity just as fundamental in creating the universe to Him as the principle sowing and reaping? For that matter, should we now see them as any less irrefutable parts of existence in this universe? If someone would argue that they do not believe in gravity, and drop a vase, would gravity still do its thing regardless of that person’s belief? If that person also does not believe in the principle that you will sow what you reap, what will that person reap if they sow hate and destruction or if they sow love, kindness and generosity? The one can surely not be any more or less dependent on our belief in it, than the other.


What is a year?

365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks

The time between 2 birthdays.

Easy question.

Is that all there is to it?

In one year, and the actual reason for the concept of a year, the Earth completes one whole orbit around its star, our Sun.

Totalling a distance of 940 million kilometres, that is an almost unimaginable distance, and to do this it has to maintain an average speed of 108 000 kilometres per hour.

Mind-blowing stuff right?

And as if that is not exciting enough the Earth spins around 365 times, which give us our days, and the moon orbits Earth 13 times, this is why the lunar calendar is a bit different from the Gregorian one.

Seasons will change, hot to cold, wet to dry.

Tides will come in and out, all forms of precipitation will fall to earth, storms will rage and butterflies will miraculously appear from something that used to be a crawly squishy worm.

Valentines day, Easter, Birthdays and Christmas will be celebrated as part of a consumer society…

But is that all it is, the ever present, unavoidable, unstoppable forward rush of time, simply passing us by, or if we are lucky sweeping us with it.

What can a year hold for one such as you and me?

How different can we, a year from now, be from us today?

Seems an easy thing and also a very hard thing to imagine, all at once.

1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes, 31540000 seconds…

That is what we have to work with

An amount that is never ever constant, the seconds are less now than when you read the amount two sentences ago.

It is a pace that can make the heart beat faster and faster and make sweat run profusely.

But time is not a monster out to get us

If we wield it right and exploit its abundance, then it is our ally, the space in which we can thrive.

It is the universal constant, what we all share in equally.

Here is to making the most of every second.

In spite of it all

Even though we all almost always reply positively when asked how it is going, things aren’t always good. This comes as no surprise to any human being on planet Earth. We all know that life is full of ups and downs, good time and fantastic times, bad times and horrendous times. But how should these affect us?

Ephesians 5:20 in the King James reads as follows: “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. This is a nice verse and a nice sentiment, and it is good to be thankful towards God, because all good things come from Him (James 1:17).

But that is not what the writer was saying, he uses the word, huper, and it translates not as, for all things, but as, in spite of, over and above, beyond the reach of circumstances. Now the verse takes on an entirely different meaning. We are supposed to be thankful to God in spite of everything, regardless of our circumstances. And you can do this if you keep in mind that you are beyond the reach of circumstances. Why? Because you are in God, and of course God is above all circumstances, therefore you too are above all circumstances.

James 5:13: “If anyone is going through a tough time, let him worship; when times are good, sing praises.” So don’t take your lead from your circumstances, neither when they are good, nor when they are bad.


In chosing a name for this blog, I wanted something that was meaningful, a word that in itself merits deeper exploration and reflection. While reading the Mirror Bible, in 1 Corinthians 1, I came across Anegkletos. Anegkletos (an-eng’-klay-tos) is a Greek word that means: that cannot be called into to account, unreproveable, unaccused, blameless. The Mirror Bible translates it as “vindicated”, but most Bibles use the word “blameless”. Blameless. How can anyone of us be blameless. It is, of course, impossible. A phrase I’ve heard often among Christians now comes to mind: “we serve a God of the impossible”, which is to say, God makes the impossible not only possible, but a reality!

How? How could any of us possibly be blameless. There is only one way, and it had been God’s master plan all along, Jesus Christ. Only through the crucifiction and ressurection of Christ is it possible for us to stand blameless before God. Jesus really did vindicate us. 

And that is why I chose Anegkletos as the name of this blog, because our vindication is central to the message of the gospel and our relationship with God, and those are some of the themes that I will try to explore in this blog.


PS: Blameless appears 5 times in the Bible: 1 Cor 1:8, Titus 1:6&7, Col 1:22 and 1 Tim 3:2.